17 September 2008

News from earn3 and extra10

As you may now, Earn3 and extra10 are 2 nice PTC sites owned by the same admin, so,

+ The payout on earn3 is again $3. (Was $3 from the start, than was raised to $10)

+ Both sites anounced that they will introduce instant payments! They now have a line system for payouts, until instant payouts are introduced, you can see how many members are before you on the line to payout.

- The lines are going a little too slow. They pay only 3-5 standard members a day. I requested my payouts on 10th and 13th July and I'm on 222th and 186th. (on earn3 and extra10, respectively.) It's been already ~50 businnes days. (TOS states 60)
I thought they will pay these lines very fast and when they finish everybody, they will start instant payments. Now I hope this is not the case.

[join earn3] [read all posts about earn3]
[join extra10] [read all posts about extra10]

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