22 September 2008

I won $500 from SwatCash!

Firstly, I have to admit this post is a little (about 2 months) late, because of my holiday and laziness.

Secondly, I have some bad news. Since 6th of June, SWATcash only accepts members from US, UK and Canada. Lucky international members like me who joined before are staying and using the site as they use before, but no new sign-ups from other countries are allowed. They decided to do this because it was the only way to sustain the site. Members from other countries don't have enough offers to complete, therefore they bring nothing to the site but only earn money from the world map. (The only solution I could come up with was allowing PTC offers, so that international members can have offers too, but they will not allow this.)

Now, the good news (for me at least). I won $500 from "May's Monster Chat and Forum Scavenger Hunt" in Swatcash, and got it (plus some referral earnings minus some donations) to my PayPal! This was the more than I got till that day. (Albeit as of yesterday I received a total of $674 from Neobux)

How did this happen? In SwatCash, there are special contests every month. For this May, it was "May's Monster Chat and Forum Scavenger Hunt." It took place on 31th of May. They changed 15 things in site on the evening of May 31th, (4 AM in the morning at June 1st for me:) ) and asked us to find them in 2 hours. At the end, I came second and had to choose one of these prizes:

3x - XBOX 360 Elites
3x - PS3 40 GB
3x - $500 Cash Prize
10x - 8 GB nanos (You chose color)
3x - iPod Touchs 32 GB
7x - $250 Cash Prize
3x - Wiis

Considering I'm an International member, it was not that hard to choose my prize. At the end of June, they shipped the prizes. (Or added them to our accounts) And at the end of July, I got my payment:

Normally, monthy payments are made at the 15th of the month, but for July only, it was delayed. But it was of course absolutely OK for me, since I got my biggest payment till that day!

Why is it $505,58 instead of $500? I had $14,58 of referral, PTC and Offer Earnings, but I donated $9 of my bonus earnings from scavenger hunt to open the goods page in armory. (You have to earn $5 in offers or donate $5 from bonus earnings to open the goods in armory.) Now I can purchase PayPal bonus with SC's I collect from the world map and daily attack!

[join SWATcash] [read all posts about SWATcash]

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